Podcast with Tim Rowland


Tim Rowland is one of the most proeminent and competent physios when it comes to working with athletes, both during rehab, or improving performance. His renowned work with athletes, especially when it comes to ACL rehab, is one of the strengths of his role as a Physio and S&C Coach. 

Luckily, I had the chance of having a brief talk with him, where, during the  55-minute chat, we discussed topics such as:

  1. Physio's Identity
  2. Physio's Role in managing People with MSK conditions vs managing injured athletes
  3. Specificity when it comes to work in a sports setting
  4. All-things ACL rehab

You can check some more of his work either on his Instagram account _theaclguy or in his - and other professionals - content-sharing platform The Physio Network.

Tim Rowland will soon be coming to Portugal, which is a non-disputable chance of hearing and learning with one of the top-shot physios when it comes to sports rehab - mainly the ACL issue. 

You can listen to the Podcast here:

Hope you enjoy it!

If you have any suggestion or question to Tim, if you want to learn more about ACL rehab or if you have any other critique or suggestion when it comes to sharing this kind or format of content, let me know in the boxes below.

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